Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I am just checking off my list of things to do today. One of them is to write something. I don't know what to write about, but I will write something, at least! It could be crappy or silly or strange, but if I don't write it won't have the opportunity to be anything! I would rather write something creepy and downright stupid than not right anything at all. Most of what I write, I think, is kind of silly, but it makes me feel better to do so. If I could major in thinking at college I would. That's all I ever love to do. Sometimes it is tiring but I love it. Thinking has a lot to do with what I write. There are many things I think, though, but don't know how to communicate. That is why I end up sounding so strange! That is why I love reading because I feel others like Lewis, Thoreau, Pascal, Cather, and Kierkegaard say what I have been trying to say all along. They speak for me. They are better communicators.

If I just keep up this writing I think I will get better and better. Where else could I start to become a better writer, than by writing? I can't be completely amazing at this thing on my first real tries. I know it is something that develops. Everything needs refining, right? Rough draft! Here I come!

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